go2car2go 1.0.0 for HP App Catalog

Yeah, the very first webos car2go client was approved and now ready to be downloaded by you free of charge. Just open your App Catalog application and type go2car2go or visit http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.tentimis.go2car2go&applicationid=1000070

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4 Responses to go2car2go 1.0.0 for HP App Catalog

  1. stef says:

    Hi there,
    great news, that you made a car2go client and brought it to the app catalogue. I am desperately waiting for it. Unfortunately, it is not available for me (german Pre3, WebOS 2.2.4). Can you fix this? Would be great!
    Thanks in advance and regards

  2. mephinet says:

    Dear Tentimis,
    did you notice that car2go has several new locations, that are not covered by your app? Can you add them to your city list? Or in case you’re no longer interested in maintaining the app, are you fine with me making a fork?

    cu, mephinet

    • temirlan79 says:

      hi mephinet,

      i have already started updating my client. But this time I want to make it more generic, say let the client calls all active cities everytime user goes to settings.

      I was working on my symbian and N9 car2go client so had no time for other things.

      I need some help in writting my app in Enyo. Do you have interest ?


  3. brandon says:

    I do not see go2car2go in the app catalog on my Pixi [origional running 1.4.5]. When I follow the link sent from the HP app catalog page I get the message, “This is not a valid webOS application.”

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